Friday, August 15, 2008

Pool of Peace

I have always loved the water, but it wasn’t until my sophomore year of college that I actually learned to swim. I only did so then because I had just had knee surgery and it was one of the few exercises I could do during the months of rehab. I discovered that I loved swimming laps. It became my favorite form of exercise and since then I have always tried to implement it into my fitness routine.

I started seriously working out hard in April after close to a 3-year hiatus. The goal was to lose weight and become fit so I have spent a lot of time in the gym on elliptical machines and stationary bikes along with lifting weights. This week I decided to change my routine a bit and swim for 30 to 45 minutes as my cardio workout. It has been heaven (minus the fact that the initial weeks of swimming always kill my knees because of the mechanism of the kicking). There is something about swimming that provides such a solid sense of peace and calmness for me. There are very few times in my everyday life when my mind isn’t racing a million miles a minute or thinking about all I have to do. In the pool I notice I literally think of nothing. I simply swim focused only on my stroke. No other exercise provides for me that type of mental break.

So, what activity provides that type of mental break for you? Where do you feel at peace?


Gena B. said...

I feel like that when I run. It is a nice feeling to just have all the day to day crap leave your mind for a bit and really focus on nothing of importance.

Emerald said...

Give credit for the peaceful feelings to endorphins. Plus, the person in the next lane can't be talking your head off.

Moxymama said...

True enough! Silence really is golden at times. Thanks for stopping by, Emerald!