Friday, August 8, 2008

Mustache Mania

Prior to two years ago my husband always wore a goatee, sometimes a full beard. I love that rugged, manly look. He took a new job in the summer of 2006 and was required to either be clean-shaven or wear a mustache only. Admittedly I am not a fan of his clean-shaven look. It’s taken a lot of getting used to. So, this week he decided to try out a mustache. Not a good look. Ridiculous in fact. Think cheesy 70’s porn star. I tried to get used to it, I really did but it got to the point where I could not have a conversation with him without bursting into laughter. I couldn’t look at him without hearing ridiculous get it on music in my head. Fortunately, he too did not like it and off it came this morning. I think my husband is sexy, but there was nothing sexy about that ‘stache.

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