Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Corporal Punishment In The Schools

We don't spank our children. There are a variety of reasons why we have made that decision but it comes down to the fact that we feel there are more humane and effective forms of discipline and that while spanking may stop the undesired behavior at that time it does little to nothing to teach correct behavior over the long term.

So when I read this article today I was shocked and appalled. I would venture to say that most parents, even ones who spank their children, wouldn't want others to physically punish their children.

What are your thoughts?


Nancy said...

I will confess to spanking my son when he was little. Since he doesn't currently have any twitches when I get near him, I'd say it didn't traumatize him!
HOWEVER, I do NOT agree with corporal punishment in schools and I think that's pretty appalling.
I haven't read of any of this taking place in schools here in New England. The students would be likely to strike back!
I was in catholic school in the 60s and wacking someone on the hand with a ruler had already been eliminated as punishment. I DID have to put gum on my nose in 6th grade for chewing it. Maybe they should try that instead. For a normally behaved child it mortified me.

Gena B. said...

We don't spank either for similar reasons and I'd sue the pants off anyone who dared touch my kid. That is crazy.

Trippy Hippy said...

I feel very strongly that spanking is child abuse. That could never be more true when it is done by a school. Spanking does nothing but harm, both physically and mentally. SUrely we have come farther than to have to resort to violence to teach our children.