Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Crazy Lies People Tell in the Name of Politics

Anyone who reads this blog frequently enough knows that I feel neither John McCain nor Barak Obama are qualified to hold the highest position in our country. To be altogether honest it doesn't affect me one way or the other which candidate floats your boat, though. What I do take issue with though is people making statements about candidates that are just totally false but trying to pass them off as true.

Case in point: the entire "Obama is a Muslim" email that has been circulating for months, maybe even longer. Whether you like him or not, whether you agree with his politics or think he will make a good president is your choice. I'm not here to tell you who to vote for. However, he's clearly not a Muslim and it's beyond annoying that generally speaking Republicans and the Religious Right have been trying to scare voters into believing that if they vote for Obama they are forsaking their Christian obligation and somehow supporting terrorism.

I've been thinking about what I want to say and how I want to say it and then I came across a post that said it perfectly. So, at the risk of sounding repetitive I will simply attach the link and you can read for yourselves.



Nancy said...

You have said all that I am unable to articulate. I personally don't know WHO is really qualified anymore and if it really matters since to me it doesn't appear that the "President" is in control of the country anymore -- it's more like his advisors so I guess those are the people we REALLY need to be concerned about.
One commenter on the blog link said it well (paraphrasing here) - we need to stop paying so much attention to Fox News, Emails and Republican commercial... I have to agree and it makes my blood boil everytime I hear or read (mostly read because I'll change the channel before I watch Fox News or a political commercial) some sort of smear campaign going on.

Gena B. said...

I hate that politics have become so vicious...on both sides. I'm sick of just outright lies that people just accept as fact. Well said!