Saturday, July 26, 2008

Heading for Brain Damage

I took the kids over to my parents for a couple hours this morning after leaving the gym. My son became a walking disaster. He first fell head first into the sliding glass door, cutting the right side of his head a good 2-3 inches on the deadbolt latch that locks from the bottom corner of the door. That instantly swelled into a huge goose egg, was bleeding, and incredibly bruised. Fortunately, it is not deep and won't require stitches. Twenty minutes later he stumbled and fell head first onto a toy cash register, cutting the corner of his right eye which also bled and is now pretty swollen. Poor guy looks pretty beat up. He seems to be doing okay, but I swear if he has one more head injury he might have brain damage.

1 comment:

Gena B. said...

That's horrible. I hope he is ok.