Friday, March 27, 2009

My Pride and Joy

On many occasions I have jokingly said, "Our daughter is the reason we had another child and our son is the reason we will not have any more." I say this only because he is a typical boy: he is loud, active, all over the place, a complete handful. But in all seriousness if I could have another child as sweet, loving, and sensitive as he is I'd have a handful in a heartbeat. He's been sick for a week and so I have been holding him, snuggling him, and comforting him a lot. And I love it. The truth of the matter is though, that he is like this when he is well. It is just a bit exaggerated now. Sure, he is this rough and tumble boy but he hugs and kisses me and cuddles with me too many times throughout the day for me to count. Inside this typical boy is this kind, compassionate heart that I sit in awe of. I seriously hope he never loses this "gentle" side because it is what makes him who he is.

I love my children every day. Some days it is easier than others, but I love them nonetheless. There are times though when my heart feels like it will literally burst with the love and pride I feel towards them. It is almost unimaginable sometimes that I was a part of creating something so wonderful. They are these sweet, compassionate, intelligent, loving children who unconditionally accept others. It makes the sleepless nights, the frustrations, the tantrums, and the non stop questions completely worth it.

I don't think anyone can really understand the capacity a parent has for loving a child until he or she becomes a parent for him or herself. Even those glorious, delirious early days of a newborn don't adequately prepare you for the amount of love you are capable of giving to your children each and every day. As time goes on, as my children grow and I watch them become these amazing little people my heart swells and feels like it is in a constant state of near bursting.

When I see my kids interact or when I see how they treat people when they don't think I am watching or when I overhear them in conversation I am at times simply amazed and it is then that I think I would take a couple more.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I feel the same way! Every day is precious with our children, a constant source of love and happiness. Really the bond is indescribable, built on so much connection and emotion. I'm so glad you stay home with them, too!