Thursday, July 2, 2009

Throw it in the Oven

Between my two kids we have had five birthdays so far. This Saturday will mark the sixth. For four out of those five birthdays I have made the cake, a couple times out of the box and a couple from scratch. Last year for my daughter's third birthday we ordered a Princess Cake from the store, which I planned to do again this year.

However, my son's birthday was a month ago, and I made a cake and frosting from scratch that ended up being really good. This Saturday I am cooking for the party and my husband and I have a lot of household projects to get done over the next three days, so I wanted to make things easy on myself and just buy a cake from the store. However, after going to the store and looking through the book of cakes my daughter tells me that she wants me to make her a cake like I made her brother and that she doesn't want a cake from the store.

Of course, if that is what she wants, that is what she will get because in the realm of things it is not that much work. So, while part of me was hoping for the easy way out another part of me is secretly thrilled that she'd prefer her mommy make her a cake instead of getting a Princess Cake from the store. (For the record, I will be decorating the cake with a Disney Princess theme).

How about you? Do you usually make your own birthday cakes or order them from a store?


Nancy said...

I have pictures of my son about the age of 3 with chocolate frosting all over his lips which I think was his birthday cake that year.
The following year I know was a larger party so that was probably store bought and the years after that were all store bought.
I'm not a big baker and we all really love Carvel Ice Cream cakes so that's the reason.
But for Memorial Day I made cupcakes and I really liked doing it! But then they're there to eat and I don't need that...

Joanne said...

For the kids' parties with classmates and friends, I always made a cake. We had old fashioned parties at home, Pin the Tail, Musical Chairs, that kind of thing. For the party with fam, it was often an ice cream cake, which everyone loved too. Enjoy the party!

Anonymous said...

I'm scared of flour, so I leave baking to the experts.

Moxymama said...

Nancy, oh Carvel Ice Cream cakes are the best! My grandfather used to love ice cream cakes so it always reminds me of him.
Joanne, the parties you describe sound exactly like my birthday parties as a child. Such terrific memories.
Hereinfranklin, I stuck to a box cake for year..I have branched out since having my second. :)