Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...

We spent this past week in Phoenix (a great trip that I will write about later). We stayed fairly close to the airport and I discovered that apparently my children, my son especially, love airplanes. Each time one would fly overhead he'd yell and laugh and jump up and down. It was cheap and easy entertainment.

Back in Tucson, planes seldom fly over the area in which we live. I think on the days the kids are driving me nuts I might send them to the backyard and tell them to watch for planes. It might kill an hour or four.


Nancy said...

I saw you highlighted in my subscription list and said "Oh! Moxy's back!".
Hope you had a good trip. We're battening down the hatches today for 8-10" of snow starting at noon. Schools are closed in anticipation. We'll see if it actually happens....

Moxymama said...

I'm so envious of the snow you are receiving. I really do live in the wrong state. I would love to move some place back east. Enjoy the weather!