Saturday, April 5, 2008

From the Mouths of Babes

Our 2 1/2 year old daughter is a riot. Just general conversation with her sometimes is enough to make me almost pee my pants. It becomes even funnier when overhearing her conversations with other family members (ie: daddy or grandparents). Lately, she seems to be particularly hillarious. Below are a few priceless gems I have either been a part of or overheard.

* (Balding) Grandpa takes off his hat. My daughter says, "Did you lose your hair yesterday?" His response, "No, I've been losing my hair over time." Daughter relays to us many times tonight, "Grandpa has been losing his hair over time."

* We were shopping at the mall and I needed to try on some clothes. After I was finished, my daughter looks at me and says, very seriously, "I was very, very good. You can buy me a treat now."

* Daughter: What does a goat do?
Me: Bleat, bleat, etc.
Daughter: I want to pet a goat. Can I pet a goat?
Me: When we go to the petting zoo. Remember, you didn't want to pet the goat though.
Daughter: I want to pet a goat now. You'll have to buy me a goat.

* My daughter is putting play people into trucks and cars and driving them around. My daughter asks grandma what the girl's name is. Grandma says, "What do you think her name should be?" Daughter replies, "Her name is Girl." Then she puts Girl in the car by the window and says, "Here, girl. Sit by the window so you can see out."

I could go on with hysterical conversations my daughter has been a part of, but some things are better kept to ourselves.

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