Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lackadaisical Butt

In an effort to save some money and cut costs I put my gym membership on hold for the past three months. The intention was that I would work out at home with DVD's and free weights I had purchased and used in the past. The first couple of weeks I was incredibly diligent and managed to drop a few pounds. As time went on I found reasons not to fit it in each day, swearing I'd do it the next, until before I knew it a week or so would pass with me not doing a single active thing.

For the past month I have just felt gross. I hate how I feel when I don't exercise. It affects me physically, mentally, and emotionally and today I finally reached a breaking point. I stepped on the scale and realized that in three months I have gained four pounds. That is a faster rate than I gained when pregnant with either one of my children. At this rate I'll have gained sixteen pounds in a year. There is no way that can happen.

So, on Friday I am going to reactivate my membership. The deal I have made with myself is that if I don't go consistently over the next month then I have to cancel it and find another way because I refuse to throw money away. But I am hoping that I will once again fall in love with working out and use it as a release, escape, and a way to feel better both physically and mentally. The one legitimate concern I do have is putting my kids in the child watch area during the height of flu season, but both have had flu shots and hopefully after tomorrow both will have had round one of the h1n1 shot as well.

Fingers crossed that I can find my groove again and get out of this funk.


Nancy said...

I can imagine with 2 kids at home it would be hard to work out at home?
I think it is a good idea to give yourself a time frame (maybe make it 3 months?) and I know once you start going again, you'll feel better and will keep it up.
I had to shake up my workout and have started to head to the basement when I wake up. It seems to be working.

Joanne said...

We're walkers here, usually getting in several walks a week. But with getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas recently, the walks have faded and I feel it. Not so much physically, but the walks are such a peaceful break in my day, that I miss that interlude and am anxious to get back out there.