"Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men." General George S. Patton, Jr.
There was a time, many would now consider it a sexist and chauvinistic time, when men ruled their household. They were the authority on everything and their word was law. They made decisions about how their family finances would be spent, they made decisions about what was morally acceptable for their family, and they made these decisions and stood resolutely firm in those decisions. I by no means am longing for my husband to revert to his cave man beginnings, but in an overly "politically correct, women’s rights rule-type" of world we currently inhabit it would be nice if men would lead and women would let them. Men often seem hesitant to lead and women are reluctant to be led. But that is the way it must be; it is the way God designed it.
Men have it tough these days. They walk this perpetual tightrope. If they lead too much, many decry that they are sexist or controlling. If they don’t lead enough they are labeled weak or spineless. What’s a man to do? Unfortunately, what a lot of men seem to be doing is backing off. This is to the detriment of their family, though. Their children don’t see strong men or fathers or view them as the leaders in the household. Children want to witness their fathers leading, even if they often disagree with where they are being led. Children also need to witness their fathers pursue their mothers. Not in a sleazy, sexual way, but in a kind, compassionate, and intimate way. They need to know on a regular basis that their father loves and respects and desires their mother.
Men were designed by God to be the Head of the Household. In our house that doesn’t mean what my husband says is law. I’m as much a part of every decision in this house as he is, but he is expected to lead this family emotionally, morally, financially, and ethically. The example he sets and the values he instills are important to our family as a whole, to him as a man, and to our children. Men seem intimidated or afraid to stand up and demand morality from their family. They let their children talk to them in ways I would have never dreamed of talking to my father. They let their wives walk all over them, belittle them in public, and berate them in private. They allow outside perversions to infiltrate and influence their children and their way of life without railing against such intrusions. Men, you must stand up and lead your family. They are counting on you to do so. Luke 12:48 says, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." God has given you a great responsibility and many seem to take that lightly. You are expected to lead by word and example. You will one day be judged on how well you led and the product of your leadership will be your family. The question then becomes, "Is your family currently in a condition that you would be comfortable having God judge you?"
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